What's New In Instander v17.2?

What's New In Instander v17.2?

Hello Instander Users, I hope you all are happy with the Instander's features. In today's blog, we will look at the features of Instander v17.2. You will get all the app update features in detail from now onwards. Like, what's new or what is removed from the app, and much more. So, without wasting your time, let's start!

Features Added in Instander v17.2

1. Monet Theme Added

In v17.2, the Monet theme has been added for all Android users running Android 12 or higher. So, you will get another theme. So, check it now and send us your feedback.

2. Disable Theme

But if you do not like the Monet theme, you can disable it. You will get the option of disabling in Instander settings.

3. Fixed Feed Not Loading Error

In v17.2, you will not face the issue of feed not loading. You will find that everything is working smoothly. Posts are loading smoothly like butter.

4. Reel Download Button

Some of the users are facing issues with the Download button in reels. It is fixed, you will not get any problems in downloading reels in v17.2.

5. New Fonts Added

Apart from all these changes, some new fonts are also added in this version. So do not forget to try those fonts.

Final Notes

So that's all for this new version. Please send your feedback.

Waiting for your feedback with love>>

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